School Districts
Empower your staff and focus on students with DocFinity document management.
In a public education system where budgets are shrinking and costs are growing, efficiency is a necessity, and expense-reduction is king. DocFinity helps schools and school districts cut costs and avoid risks by offering secure, reliable access to complete student and teacher/employee files.
With secure Web-based access to information, your district can improve turnaround times for records requests and enhance services to students, parents, and other stakeholders.
Comprehensive Capabilities
In addition to scanning and uploading documents, use DocFinity to automate the capture and indexing of files into system, including various high-speed importers, email integration, OCR, and intelligent capture options.
Find files using keyword searches of active databases and archives. Full text search finds documents containing a word or phrase, or finds a word or phrase within a document.
Standardize and expedite processes by automating the movement of data and files to people and systems with our robust BPM/Workflow and eForms functionality.
Utilize our APIs and other integration tools to connect DocFinity with virtually any core business application you're running. Web Service APIs and Microsoft Office Integration are included with the DocFinity Core.
Automatically apply retention rules to documents as they're categorized during the indexing process. Then control file access, downloading, manipulation, and printing of documents at the group level and view audit trails to drill into all activity around files.
Monitor activity within DocFinity—such as system health and performance, and workflow productivity—as well as the efficiency of applications, importers, servers, and repositories.
Departmental Solutions

School Administration
Comply with the Right-to-Know Act, keep up with credentials, and improve administrative processes.

Student/Teacher Records
Protect confidential student records and maintain compliance with regulations including HIPAA and FERPA.
Contract Vehicles
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